NCERT conducts a
national talent search exam every year. With this scheme NCERT gives out 1000 scholarships every year. Any student studying in a recognized school in 8th standard is eligible to appear for this examination. The examination is held in two stages, the first stage covers the social sciences, science and mathematics in the following categories at the state level :
- Mental Ability Test
- Scholastic Ability Test
The second stage comprises of the social sciences, science and mathematics in the following categories at the national level:
- Mental Ablility Test
- Scholastic Ability Test
- Interview
However in the second stage only the students who pass the written examination at the national level are interviewed.
Each student who is selected is entitled to receive a monthly 500 Rs scholarship from NCERT upto his/her doctorate education based on their selection of subject. The following are the important dates:

- Stage 1 (State Level) : Last Date of Submission of Application form: 31st August 2009
- Stage 1 Exam (Gujarat) : 8th November 2009
- Stage II Exam (National Level) : 9th May 2010
I think in the limited scope of scholarship opportunity in India, this is a very good opportunity for students at a very early age and I personally think all 8th standards should appear for this examination.
Please visit the NCERT site under the scholarship section for more details or visit the following ad in the
TOI newspaper.
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