Friday, July 10, 2009

Favor, Color, Labor - Indian schools and International Boards now accept American Spellings at Par with "The English - Oxford Spellings"

Yea, I was surprised too when I read about it, but it good to hear that the Indians are now beginning to see the change that the world has become flatter. That nothing is right or wrong per say people depending upon their region can decide the way they write in English.

There is an article in the Times of India - Mumbai edition today, highlighting the fact that a lot of schools across India have accepted the fact that it is ok for the students to drop a letter from a word and still not get reprimanded from their teachers for their spelling error unless it changes the meaning of the word.

Even an ICSE spokesperson says that they allow American spelling and do not cut marks for its use. However they are penalized if the meaning of the word changes.

I think this a very bold step and a good change, as the article truly says with the computer and the internet today's youth is more familiar with the American way.

Hey, if you need to learn more modern slang keep visiting may be one day that will too be allowed in schools.

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